Lung cancer care in Smyrna, Tennessee
We offer comprehensive care for lung cancer in Rutherford County.
Our multispecialty cancer care program provides you with a dedicated team of cancer specialists who will work with you to create a plan for treatment, recovery and follow-up care tailored to your specific needs while keeping you close to home.
Have cancer questions?
We can help. askSARAH is a dedicated, confidential helpline for your cancer-related questions. Our specially trained nurses are available 24/7.
We can help. askSARAH is a dedicated, confidential helpline for your cancer-related questions. Our specially trained nurses are available 24/7.
Related specialities
Signs and symptoms of lung cancer
Lung cancer often doesn't cause many symptoms in its early stage, so recognizing the signs as soon as they appear is essential. Common signs and symptoms of lung cancer can include:
- A new, chronic cough that doesn't go away
- Chest pain that is worse with deep breathing or coughing
- Coughing up blood, even a small amount
- Fatigue
- Hoarseness
- Losing weight without trying
- Shortness of breath
- Unexplained loss of appetite
About our lung cancer program
We integrate education and support throughout our program of care and offer a range of services and treatments for lung cancer.
Lung cancer care
Depending on the type and stage of your lung cancer, your doctor may recommend various treatment options. Our doctors offer personalized treatment based on your unique situation. Your care plan may include surgery, radiation oncology chemotherapy, or immunotherapy. We also have advanced technology like electromagnetic navigational bronchoscopy and endobronchial ultrasound biopsy (EBUS) to aid in early diagnosis and staging of lung nodules which can have a positive impact on your healing while keeping you close to home.
Lung cancer support
We integrate education and support throughout our program of care. Patients benefit from our broad range of services, including:
- A lung cancer nurse navigator who assists with all aspects of your care
- Dietitians who can address your changing nutritional needs as you recover from surgery and pursue follow-up treatments
- Physical therapy services to help improve your quality of life
- Support groups to guide you from diagnosis and treatment through recovery and life after cancer
Lung cancer screenings
Low dose lung screenings save lives. Early detection is a proven, successful strategy for fighting lung cancer. Lung cancer can be curable when found in its early stages, but it has been historically difficult to detect until now.
Who Should Get a Lung Screen?
A shared decision-making discussion is recommended to determine if a lung cancer screening is appropriate for you. This discussion begins with a conversation between you and your primary care physician. Your physician will determine your eligibility for screening and refer you to our clinic if appropriate.
TriStar StoneCrest Medical Center offers low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) screenings for patients to enhance early detection of lung cancer and reduce mortality among smokers.
According to a National Cancer Institute study, using LDCT scans to screen smokers for lung cancer reduces the risk of death by 20 percent compared to those screened by a chest X-ray.
According to The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recommendations, LDCT (low dose CT) lung screening is recommended for the following group of people who are at high risk for lung cancer:
- 50-80 years old
- Those who have at least a 20 pack-year smoking history and are current smokers or have quit within the past 15 years
- 20 pack-year smoking history includes:
- 1 pack a day for 20 years
- 2 packs a day for 10 years
The Lung Nodule Program
The Lung Nodule Program at TriStar StoneCrest is committed to saving lives through screening, diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment.
About our program
If a nodule is detected from a LDCT scan, our patients will have access to a multidisciplinary team of experts. Our Lung Nodule Coordinator, a specially trained nurse navigator, will follow up with up with you and your primary care provider for additional treatment options and to help facilitate care every step of the way.
About our team
Our team of pulmonologists, thoracic surgeons, radiologists, medical and radiation oncologists, pathologists and primary care/internal medicine specialists will work together through our tumor boards to review and recommend the most current, evidence-based approach to determine if the nodule is cancerous and then if necessary guide your lung cancer journey.
Looking for a location?
Our Lung cancer Locations
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