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How can men take better care of their health?

These small changes can help lead the men in your life toward a healthier future.

June 12, 2023
Elderly father and adult son walking in a park.

Men’s health continues to be a focus, with the life expectancy gap between men and women at its widest in 25 years. Experts say there could be quite a few contributing factors. One factor might be that men visit the doctor less often than women.

June is Men’s Health Month, and it is a great opportunity for men to focus on their wellness and establish small steps towards a healthier future. We have some ideas about how you and the men in your life could celebrate this month.

Find a doctor you like, and show up to your visits

Everyone needs a physician they trust. It’s critical to be open and honest with your doctor about your health concerns and curiosities; only then will they have all the information needed to treat you effectively.

No need to put off a doctor’s visit until you’re sick with the flu. Schedule annual check-ups with your physician, and don’t hesitate to come into the doctor’s office for symptoms like unexpected weight loss and changes in stool.

Focus on the fundamentals

We all know the basics of keeping ourselves healthy. We must eat well, get moving, quit smoking and drink less alcohol. It’s easy to brush these foundations of good health to the side when life becomes stressful and calendars are booked.

During Men’s Health Month, consider focusing on the fundamentals again. You can start with small changes, then as you master those, add on more healthy habits. Feel free to try some of our recommendations:

  • Participate in an alcohol-free week or two
  • Consider a cancer-fighting food recipe
  • Challenge yourself to four 30-minute walks a week
  • Incorporate stretching into your nighttime routine
  • Focus on sleep hygiene, ensuring you get at least seven hours of sleep

Stay up-to-date on screenings

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again – early detection can save lives and lead to better treatment options. It’s imperative that men are aware of the recommended screening guidelines and follow through on making them happen.

TriStar Health compiled everything you need to know about your recommended screenings based on age. Get familiar with this schedule, and spread the word with your friends and family.

Include mental health in the conversation

It’s important for men to check in with their mental health and be honest about what they find. Are you irritable lately? Are you having trouble sleeping or sleeping too much? Are your emotions manageable, or do they interfere with your daily life? Brush up on the symptoms of poor mental health in men to know if it’s time to talk to a doctor.

If you or someone you know is struggling, call or text the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988 or chat at

Don’t wait for a health emergency to start

In most cases, the best treatment is prevention. Whether it’s heart health or mental health, don’t delay in making small, actionable changes to your daily habits. If it helps, think about making these changes for your loved ones. How will you commit to your health?

June 12, 2023