Contact us
TriStar Centennial Medical Center
Phone directory
- Advanced Wound Care and Vascular Center: (615) 342-5570
- Ask-A-Nurse: (615) 514-0757
- Case Management: (615) 342-5718
- Director of Marketing and Public Relations: (615) 342-1900
- Early Morning Admissions: (615) 342-1160
- Emergency Room: (615) 342-1500
- Human Resources: (615) 342-1837
- Information: (615) 342-1000
- Labor and Delivery: (615) 342-5299
- Laboratory: (615) 342-3000
- Lactation Support Services: (615) 342-5650
- Medical Imaging: (615) 342-3590
- Medical Records/Release of Information: (615) 695-8700
- Mother/Baby Nurses Station: (615) 342-4299
- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: (615) 342-4650
- Nursing Administration: (615) 342-3900
- Nutrition Services: (615) 342-4017
- OB/GYN Emergency Department: (615) 342-2899
- Parthenon Pavilion: (615) 342-1400
- Patient Advocacy: (615) 342-1001
- Patient Information: (615) 342-2600
- Patient Registration - Centennial Tower: (615) 342-1547
- Patient Registration - Women's Hospital: (615) 342-1575
- Pediatric Emergency Room: (615) 342-7337
- Physician Referral: (615) 342-1919
- Public Relations: (615) 342-1935
- Radiation Oncology: (615) 342-4850
- Rehabilitation Services: (615) 342-5600
- Respiratory Care: (615) 342-1625
- Safety: (615) 342-2844
- Sarah Cannon Research Institute: (615) 329-7274
- Sleep Disorder Center: (615) 342-1657
- TriStar MedLine: (615) 342-1919
- Volunteer Services: (615) 342-1753
- Women's Health and Imaging Center: (615) 695-7230
General inquiry form
The form below is only for general inquires. Out of concern for privacy, we do not discuss patient information or financial matters over email. Do not use this form as a way to receive medical help. If you need medical care, please contact your physician.
Additionally, general internet communication is not secure. Please do not submit any data considered confidential or private (e.g. Social Security numbers, diagnosis information, credit card numbers, etc.).