Contact us
TriStar Hendersonville Medical Center
355 New Shackle Island Road
Hendersonville, TN 37075
Main phone number: (615) 338-1000
Phone directory
Administration: (615) 338-1100
Admitting - inpatient: (615) 338-1210
Ask-A-Nurse: (615) 514-0757
Billing inquiries: (615) 886-4757
Birth Center Labor & Delivery: (615) 338-1700
Birth Center NICU: (615) 338-1740
Cardiopulmonary: (615) 338-2600
Case management: (615) 338-1850
Class registration: (615) 342-1919
Critical care waiting room: (615) 338-1620
Day surgery: (615) 338-1360
Emergency department: (615) 338-1250
General information: (615) 338-1000
Health information management (medical records): (615) 338-1900
Hospitalist program: (615) 264-4450
Human resources: (615) 338-1130
Laboratory: (615) 338-1800
Lactation support : (615) 338-1710
Main switchboard: (615) 338-1000
Marketing and public relations: (615) 769-7118
Medical imaging (radiology): (615) 338-1400
Obstetrics/gynecology: (615) 338-1700
Outpatient registration: (615) 338-1200
Patient information: (615) 338-1000
Patient representative: (615) 338-1190
Physical therapy: (615) 338-2550
Physician referral & appointment: (615) 342-1919
Pre-op scheduling: (615) 338-1230
Social worker: (615) 338-1855
Surgery waiting room: (615) 338-1380
TriStar Hendersonville Medical Center: (615) 338-1000
Utilization review: (615) 338-1864
Volunteer services: (615) 338-1184
Wound care: (615) 338-2090
General Internet communication is inherently not secure. For this reason, we highly recommend that data considered confidential or private in nature not be submitted on this form. (e.g., Social Security Numbers, Diagnosis Information, Credit Card Numbers, etc.)