Contact us
TriStar NorthCrest Medical Center
100 NorthCrest Dr
Springfield, TN 37172
Main phone number: (615) 698-3000
Phone directory
Administration: (615) 698-3010
Cardiopulmonary services: (615) 698-3196
Central scheduling: (615) 698-3030
Community development/marketing: (615) 698-3613
General information: (615) 698-3000
Grapevine gift shop: (615) 698-3929
Lymphedema therapy clinic: (615) 698-3990
Medical imaging: (615) 698-3040
Medical records/health information management(HIM): (615) 698-3060
Medical staff services: (615) 698-3616
Nursing services administration: (615) 698-3603
Physical therapy: (615) 698-3990
Speech therapy clinic: (615) 698-3990
Same day surgery: (615) 698-3850
Sleep diagnostic center: (615) 698-3370
Women’s services: (615) 698-3223
Wound care: (615) 698-3080
General inquiry form
The form on the this page is for general inquiries only. Due to privacy concerns, we are unable to discuss patient information or financial matters via email. Do not use this form as a way to obtain medical help. If you need medical care, please call your physician.
General Internet communication is inherently not secure. For this reason, we highly recommend that data considered confidential or private in nature not be submitted on this form. (e.g., Social Security Numbers, Diagnosis Information, Credit Card Numbers, etc.)