For visitors at TriStar NorthCrest Medical Center
Visiting as our guest
When you visit our hospital, we want your experience to be as comfortable and effortless as possible. We make sure to take care of both our patients and visitors.
Information for our visitors
To help answer your questions during your visit, we've provided some information below.
General visiting
In order to promote a comfortable, quiet, and restful healing experience to our patients here are our recommended visiting hours are 6:00am to 8:30pm daily. Between 2:00pm and 4:00pm is quiet time where we dim room lights and quiet the environment with limited visitation to encourage and allow patients time for privacy, rest and healing.
For the safety of our patients and families, if a family member wishes to stay later than 8:30pm, a visitor’s pass can be obtained from the nursing staff. If a family member wishes to arrive to visit after 8:30pm, access to the medical center is directed through the our emergency room entrance. The visitor will be asked to sign in and be given a visitor’s pass.
Visiting the critical care unit
The Critical Care Unit (CCU) is an eight-bed unit staffed with nurses who are specially trained in the care of the patient requiring intensive care. The rooms are private and are equipped with state-of-the-art monitoring equipment.
To provide intensive care to the patient, visiting hours are liberal, but limited. We ask that only two people visit at a time. You may be asked to leave if an emergency should arise on the unit, or if a procedure must be done. Should you be asked to leave, you will be allowed to return as soon as possible.
Information desk
The patient information desk is located in the main lobby and is available to provide room numbers, directions and other information. The telephone for patient information is (615) 384-1517.
Visitor parking is located in front of the hospital, behind The Birth Center and beside the emergency room entrance. Please do not leave valuables in your car unattended, and make sure to lock the doors when you leave the vehicle.
An ATM is available in the main lobby of the hospital across from the Grapevine Gift Shop. Most national networks are honored. ATM availability is subject to change during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dial extension 4540 from a patient phone for a daily menu. The cafeteria offers breakfast, lunch and dinner with hot entrees, vegetables, desserts and a self-serve salad bar. Cafeteria hours are subject to change during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please check with the nursing staff before having visitors bring food or drinks for patients.
Weekday hours
Breakfast: 7:15am - 9:00am
Lunch: 11:00am – 2:00pm
Dinner: 5:00pm – 6:00pm
Weekend and holiday hours
Breakfast: 7:15am – 9:00am
Lunch: 11:00am – 1:00pm
We offer free WiFi throughout the hospital. Feel free to take advantage of this service to check your email and stay up to date with your friends and family.
Vending areas
Vending machines for snacks are beverages are located in the cafeteria, on nursing units, in the surgery waiting room and in the ER waiting area.
Grapevine Gift Shop
The Grapevine Gift Shop is located off the main lobby of TriStar NorthCrest Medical Center. The gift shop is staffed by volunteers and offers gift items, jewelry, greeting cards, stamps, candy, toiletries, and flowers.
Weekday hours: Monday through Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm
Weekend hours: Saturday 8:00am – 1:00pm