Contact us
TriStar Summit Medical Center
Phone directory
Accounts payable: (877) 676-8861
Administration: (615) 316-4902
Admitting office: (615) 316-3570
Ambulatory Surgery Center: (615) 391-7200
Ask-A-Nurse: (615) 514-0757
Billing inquiries: (615) 886-4788
Cardiac rehabilitation: (615) 316-3136
Cardiac services: (615) 316-3435
Case managers: (615) 316-3573
Central scheduling: (615) 695-7229
Chaplain: (615) 316-3526
Childbirth education classes: (615) 342-1919
Class registration: (615) 342-1919
Dietician: (615) 316-3691
Emergency eepartment: (615) 316-3150
Endoscopy: (615) 316-4180
Environmental services: (615) 316-3660
Ethics line: (800) 455-1996
Food service: (615) 316-3690
General information: (615) 316-3000
Gift shop: (615) 316-3126
Health information (medical records): (615) 316-3580
Human resources: (615) 316-3550
Infection control: (615) 316-3616
Inpatient rehabilitation: (615) 316-4350
Labor & delivery: (615) 316-4250
Laboratory: (615) 316-3850
Lebanon Outpatient Services: (615) 449-1004
Marketing & public relations director: (615) 316-4921
Medical staff services: (615) 316-4900
MedLine physician referral: (615) 342-1919
Nursing administration: (615) 316-3310
Occupational therapy: (615) 391-7300
Outpatient Nutrition and Wellness Center: (615) 316-4585
Outpatient Wound and Vascular Center: (615) 319-7380
Patient information: (615) 316-3490
Physical therapy: (615) 391-7300
Physician development: (615) 316-3512
Physician recruitment: (615) 316-3554
Plant operations: (615) 316-3640
Quality management: (615) 316-3567
Radiology: (615) 316-3900
Respiratory therapy: (615) 316-3430
Same day surgery: (615) 316-4150
Sleep Center: (615) 316-3495
Speech therapy: (615) 391-7300
Sports medicine: (615) 391-7300
Summit Outpatient Imaging Center: (615) 316-2270
The Sarah Cannon Cancer Center: (615) 391-7320
Women's Center: (615) 316-4250